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【学术报告】 Security and Distributed Estimation of Cyber-physical Systems

作者:admin  发布时间:2016年03月23日 16:45  点击:

报告题目: Security and Distributed Estimation of Cyber-physical Systems
主讲人:Mohsen Zamani, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
University of Newcastle, Australia
时间:2016年3月28日上午 10:00-11:00
Title: Security and Distributed Estimation of Cyber-physical System.
Abstract:  The inclusion of communication and computation capabilities into physical
systems has made them more efficient and reliable. These physical plants are referred
to as cyber-physical systems and pose new challenges to both engineers and scientists.
In this talk, I will address two important issues involved with cyber-physical systems,
namely, security and distributed estimation. In the first part of the talk, the security of
cyber-physical systems is studied from system theory perspective. It is shown how
zeros of cyber-physical systems can be used to construct concealable attacks. Then in
the second part, an optimal distributed filter  for state estimation in a network
environment is illustrated.
Bio: Dr. Mohsen Zamani did his undergraduate studies in Electrical Engineering at
the Shiraz University of Technology. He  then did his Master degree studies in
Electrical Engineering at the National University of Singapore in 2009.  He got his
Ph.D. degree under the supervision of Prof. Brian. D. O. Anderson at the Research
School of Engineering of Australian National University  in 2014. He is currently a
postdoctoral researcher at the Department  of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
University of Newcastle, Australia. His research interests include security, control and
estimation for cyber-physical systems and econometric modelling.

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